Saturday 16 March 2019

101 sea turtles found dead on Mexican beaches

Authorities in Mexico are investigating the deaths of 101 sea turtles found on beaches in six municipalities of the southern state of Guerrero. The environmental protection agency said in a statement on Thursday that it found the turtles in an advanced state of decomposition after receiving reports that many turtles had died. Among the 101 dead turtles were 14 olive ridleys.
Inspectors found no "signs or marks" linking their deaths to humans or fishing nets or hooks, leading them to suspect they may have been killed by deadly algae blooms.
The turtles appeared on beaches in the municipalities of Cuajinicuilapa, Copala, Acapulco, Coyuca de Benitez, Tecpan de Galeana and Zihuatanejo.

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