Friday, 25 September 2015

New research shows breastfed babies are no more intelligent than those who are bottle fed, when it comes to IQ

Picture for illustration
Past studies have suggested children have higher IQ if they are breastfed but a recent research which studied more than 11,000 children born from 1994 and 1996 have shown otherwise. The sample group’s intelligence were tested at ages 2,3,4,7,9,10,12,14,16 and there was no difference between those who were breastfed and those bottle fed.
Scientists at Goldsmith's University in London argue there is no substantial link between breastfeeding and early life intelligence. However, experts concluded long-term factors such as family background had a much bigger impact on children's IQs.
In spite of the findings, Dr von Stumm urged new mothers not to assume that breastfeeding had no benefits at all.
She added: 'It's important to keep in mind that while our study does not indicate a link between breastfeeding and intelligence, breastfeeding potentially has other benefits, for example the development of children's autoimmune system.
'That said, mothers should be aware that they are not harming their child if they chose not to, or cannot, breastfeed.
'Being bottlefed as an infant won't cost your child a chance at a university degree later in life.'

Source: DailyMail

1 comment:

  1. Its just not nice when some people have to bottle feed their babies due to medical conditions....and the public makes them feel bad about it
