Monday, 28 September 2015

New venomous snake discovered in Australia

The Kimberley death adder (Acanthophis cryptamydros)  (C)RyanJ.Ellis
A new species of venomous snake belonging to the family Acanthophis (Australian death adders), a genus of highly venomous snakes have been discovered in Australia.  Named the Kimberley death adder (Acanthophis cryptamydros), the snake is roughly 24 inches (60 cm) long and has a diamond-shaped head. It is a ‘sit-and-wait’ predator, staying camouflaged until it can ambush any passing frogs, lizards or small mammals.
The species’ range in the region is known to extend from Wotjulum in the west, 45 km north-north-east of Halls Creek in the south, and Kununurra in the east. It is also known to occur on some offshore islands including Koolan, Bigge, Boongaree, Wulalam, and an unnamed island in Talbot Bay.
“It’s not clear how many Kimberley death adders there are in the wild, but they’re probably quite rare,” said lead author Simon Maddock of the Natural History Museum and University College London. Maddock and co-authors identified the Kimberley death adder while researching the genetics and ecological characteristics of snakes living in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Source: Sci-News

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