Thursday, 31 December 2015

ISIS female police murders mum for breastfeeding son in public

Islamic State’s (ISIS) all-female police force, Al-Khansaa Brigade reportedly mutilated and murdered a mother after seeing her breastfeeding her son in public. The group, which includes members from western European countries as well as the Middle East, has become notorious for ruthlessly enforcing ISIS’s interpretation of Islamic law in Raqqa, Syria, noted. The mother was reportedly standing under a tree, and had tucked her baby under her burqa to conceal him from public view. But members of the brigade caught sight of her and meted out the punishment.
“An [ISIS] policewoman took the baby, gave it to another woman, and then killed the mother,” Aisha, a former Raqqa resident who since fled to Turkey, told the Sunday Times, according to ISIS took to social media accounts following the incident, and they said that the woman had violated public decency. Al-Khansaa was established approximately 18 months ago and is believed to have up to 60 members from Britain in its ranks.
Numerous reports have emerged over recent months of the hangings, crucifixions and other punishments imposed on the population of Raqqa, which is considered to be ISIS’s capital city.