Thursday, 17 March 2016

This mum can’t stop eating her armchair


A mother-of-one who developed cravings for sponge during her pregnancy has spoken out about her unusual addiction to foam. Vicky Cullen, 28, not only eats the padding in her own armchair but buys washing-up sponges to snack on and likes to add foam to her recipes when cooking. The single mother from Wakefield, South Yorkshire, estimated she has eaten her way through 2000 sponges since she developed the obsession when she was five-months pregnant with her daughter Olivia, now five. Vicky, who has been diagnosed with pica, an eating disorder which means adults ingest non-nutritive substances, said: 'It's weird to tell people I have eaten a sofa chair and to hide their foam cushions when I visit.
'I've only just started revealing the extent of my cravings to friends and family because of a commitment to help make people more aware of the problem.'
More pictures after the cut

Vicky's mainly snacks on a large armchair in her living room: 'It's a single yellow and white-coloured chair and I particularly like jam or Nutella on the foam pieces. In the morning I like to dip them in orange juice.'
She said: I have tried the foam in shoulder pads and bras but it doesn't beat the foam in my particular chair.
She said: 'Most women experience weird food cravings during pregnancy and often well after giving birth.
'My friends have told me how they craved pickles and honey or tuna and ice-cream. But not me, I have been shoving foam and sponge into my mouth for the past five years since the cravings started midway through my pregnancy.
'I wasn't experiencing any discomfort. I didn't get any tummy pains or constipation and I found it relaxing.
'As any pregnant woman knows, when you satisfy that craving even for the weirdest food combination it feels amazing but as it turns out mine were even more extreme than most.'

Source: DailyMail

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