Monday, 24 April 2017

Iceberg stops by Canadian town, turning her into an overnight tourist spot

A town in Newfoundland received a high-profile visitor this month: a massive iceberg that has turned the little community of Ferryland into a tourist hotspot.  While the region is known for icebergs during this time of year, Canadian Press reported that this one drew hundreds of people over the weekend.
“It’s a huge iceberg and it’s in so close that people can get a good photograph of it,” Ferryland Mayor Adrian Kavanagh told the news agency. “It’s the biggest one I ever seen around here.”
Although the iceberg is about 15 stories high, that’s just 10 percent of its mass. 
“Most folks can’t wrap their heads around how big it is,” Barry Rogers, the owner of Iceberg Quest Ocean Tours, told The New York Times. The iceberg was just as impressive from above as it was from land.
“Iceberg season,” which generally starts in April, has been especially busy this year, CTV reported. More than 615 icebergs have already been spotted in North Atlantic shipping lanes. Last year, there were 687 icebergs the entire season, which ends in September.
These icebergs are traveling a similar route as the one that struck the Titanic on April 14, 1912; the ship sank early on April 15, less than 400 miles from Ferryland, killing more than 1,500.

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