Wednesday, 2 May 2018

12-year-old boy flies alone to another country for luxury vacation after fighting with his mother and stealing her credit card

A mother was shocked to learn that her son ran away from home and flew alone to another country after stealing her credit card, according to police in Australia. Emma of Sydney is a mother of two children. She recently separated from her husband. Her 12-year-old son, Drew, began acting out and they frequently argued. Last week, Drew had another argument with his mother and he decided to leave the home.
He took his mother’s credit card and went to his grandmother’s home. Once there, he convinced his grandmother to give him his passport. Drew booked a flight to Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, as well as a luxury hotel. He took a train to Perth and caught a flight to Bali. To everyone’s surprise, nobody stopped the boy from flying alone to another country.
The Australian Border patrol only asked the boy to show them proof that he was over 12-years-old and give them a letter from his mother, saying that she knew where he was heading to. The child then showed them a fake letter on which he forged his mother’s signature. In Bali, nobody stopped the boy either. He rented a bike a traveled to the All Seasons Hotel.
Meanwhile, Emma panicked when Drew failed to come home in the afternoon.
She called the police and reported her son missing. Nobody had a clue where Drew was until he uploaded photos of his lavish vacation on Facebook. A friend notified Emma that her son was enjoying himself in Bali. Sydney police notified officials in Bali who detained the boy until Emma arrived to pick him up. Drew apologized to his mother.

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