Wednesday 13 March 2019

Mesut Ozil sends signed Arsenal jersey to Kenyan boy who was pictured with the footballer's name scrawled on an old jersey

Arsenal football player, Mesut Ozil has reached out to a young Kenyan boy who was pictured wearing an old jersey with Ozil's name written on it with a marker.  The boy, named Lawrence, is a herdsboy. He was pictured herding his cattle in Nairobi, Kenya, while wearing the jersey that made him go viral.
More picture after the cut
Having seen the photo on the web, Ozil reached out to the boy and sent him and his brother a couple of Arsenal jerseys signed by him. He also gave them soccer boots.
Sharing the photos to Twitter, the football player wrote:
 The picture of a Kenyan boy with a self made shirt on Twitter touched me so much. ??? And look at Lawrence now – it's so heartwarming to see him and his brothers happy??? #SocialMediaPower ?? #HappyToAssist #Nairobi #M1Ö

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