Monday 8 April 2019

Doctors find 27 contact lenses stuck in 67-year-old woman’s eye (Photo)

A team of doctors at Solihull Hospital in the UK made a shocking discovery while operating on a 67-year-old woman during cataract surgery. According to healmedoc, the doctors found 27 contact lenses, stuck in the woman's right eye after she thought it was just dry eye and old age causing her discomfort. Read the full story shared by healmedoc below.
A 67-year-old woman scheduled for routine cataract surgery in November thought it was just dry eye and old age causing her discomfort, she told her surgeons. But what doctors at Solihull Hospital in the UK found to be the real cause of her discomfort was much more concerning: 27 contact lenses, stuck in the woman's right eye.
A consultant anesthetist at the hospital was beginning to numb her eye for surgery when he found the first cluster of contacts. He put a speculum into the eye to hold the eye open as he put the anesthetic in, and he noticed a blue foreign body emerging from the top eyelid. That mass was a clump of 17 lenses (bottom picture). The other 10 were discovered in an additional examination.
The lenses were clumped together in a “blueish mass” and were bound together by mucus. The woman had been wearing monthly disposable contact lenses for 35 years, but it's unclear how long they had been gathering in her eye. Sometimes, she told the surgeons, when she would try to remove a contact from that eye, she couldn't find it. The patient had just figured she'd dropped it somewhere, but it was actually getting stuck in her eye with the others. Two weeks after removing the lenses her eyes felt a lot more comfortable.

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