Thursday 13 August 2015

ISIS claims responsibility for Baghdad market truck bomb

      Bombing in popular Baghdad food market                               (C)Reuters

The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for a truck bomb that went off in a popular Baghdad food market, killing over 70 people and injuring others. A statement circulating by ISIS supporters described the incident as a ‘blessed operation’ targeting Shiite militia and members of the Popular Mobilization Units. The Popular Mobilization Units -- predominantly Shiite militias allied with the government -- have been deployed alongside Iraqi forces to try to push back against ISIS, which consists of Sunni Muslim extremists.
An officer at the scene said, “On Thursdays, the market is especially crowded because people come from the other provinces to stock up on food for the weekend”. He further explained that the truck that blew up was a refrigeration truck, so it was impossible to distinguish it from other trucks delivering produce to the market.
It is being said as one of the deadliest single blasts in the Iraqi capital in years.

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