Wednesday 7 December 2016

Woman suffering from Crohn’s disease transforms scars on bum with tattoo


A woman suffering from Crohn’s disease has undergone a ‘cheeky’ transformation and replaced unsightly scars on her bottom – with an incredible tattoo. Brave Cinders Fletcher, 35, was unable to sit properly for eight years after suffering excruciating pain from abscesses that developed due to her illness. Mum-of-six Cinders was left with horrendous scars following surgery to remove the abscesses and was too embarrassed to take her children swimming. But after a trip to her local tattoo studio, the puckered and bumpy skin was miraculously transformed into shiny rose artwork. The unbelievable tattoo, which took six hours to complete, glosses over the scarred skin, leaving no signs that it was ever there.


Crohn’s disease causes inflammation in the lining of the digestive system, leading to severe abdominal pain, diarrhoea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. Cinders has suffered from painful abscesses, complications resulting from Crohn’s disease, since she was 20. Determined to raise awareness for those living with the condition, she posted a picture of her transformation on social media.
Cinders, of Blackpool, Lancashire, said: “It’s absolutely amazing. It’s completely changed


  1. I'm not a fan of tattoo but this looks interesting

  2. being creative

  3. maybe this will boost her confidence in wearing a bikini now...sic
