Saturday 22 June 2019

New Monopoly has voice controlled banker so you can never cheat

Monopoly has been a favourite pastime for generations of gamers, who for years have enjoyed lapping up the opportunity to live out their dreams of being a property tycoon - without actually forking out any real cash. Since it was first introduced back in the 1930s, we've seen countless variations of the game, from boards set in different cities through to ones inspired by popular films and TV shows.
But Hasbro's latest addition to the ever-expanding Monopoly family might just be the most exciting, as it features a voice-controlled AI banker - which, crucially, is incapable of cheating.
That's right: no more 'accidentally' grabbing an extra few hundreds when you pass Go, or somehow forgetting to pay that tax... This game is already onto you.
In Monopoly Voice Banking, an electronic black top hat in the middle of the board will manage your money, handle real estate transactions, pay rent, draw Chance cards and more, all through the power of voice commands.
The new game doesn't even include physical cash (I know, so 2019), which means you won't be able to make it rain with those brightly-coloured notes when you win.
Other than that, the actual gameplay sounds more or less the same as the version you know and love - although this one does promise to be 'faster' to play, which may come as good news for anyone who gets bored after several hours of slowly going bankrupt.
The product description reads: "The Monopoly voice banking game features lights and sounds, and comes with an interactive Mr. Monopoly banking unit.

"The iconic Monopoly top hat is voice-activated and the personality of Mr. Monopoly really shines as he handles all of the transactions. He keeps tabs on players' money and properties so there's no cash or cards to think about. Talk to Mr. Monopoly and he responds.
For instance, press your TOKEN's button and say, 'Buy St. James place.' Mr. Monopoly will track The transaction, keeping the game moving.
"With the Monopoly voice game, players travel around the board aiming to be the person with the most money and highest property value to win!"
Suitable for players over eight, you can pre-order the game from Walmart for $29.92 (£24, although since the company is based in the US, you can only imagine there'll be a fairly hefty shipping fee to get it delivered to UK shores), with delivery from Monday 8 July.
It's also available via, but you'll have to wait until the product is back in stock.
There's no sign of Monopoly Voice Banking on Amazon's UK site, but fingers crossed it'll head across the pond soon.

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